Everyday Wellness Solutions for Men
As time passes, our bodies begin to experience certain changes that are in some ways inevitable-like aging. However, we don’t have to helplessly standby and let fatigue, weight gain, low energy and unfulfilling sex lives take over.
Going into new life territories is supposed to be exciting and rewarding. If you are feeling apprehensive, out of sorts or unsure about your health and your future it may be time to get with an experienced professional who can help you set up a health plan and a life plan that brings a smile to your face and gives you the confidence in knowing that the best is yet to come!

REAL Services For Men
Weight Loss Solutions
Hey guys! Are you struggling with your weight? Do you want to get rid of unwanted belly fat? Has your weight caused problems like high blood pressure, diabetes? Maybe your joints ache and you don’t have the moves like Jagger anymore?
We know you want to look and feel great too. That’s why we’ve designed medical weight loss plans with you in mind. We do the right tests, then develop a plan of simple, easy to follow strategies that work fast and last long term.

Pre and Post Surgery Weight Loss
People chose surgery for many reasons. Maybe you’ve tried everything and nothing else has worked. Perhaps, you’ve lost weight but still want to change some things to enhance your appearance. In some cases, surgery is needed to achieve an ultimate look or goal.
No matter what the reason, we have the expertise to support you before, during and after your surgical plans. We partner to ensure you’re never without support, solutions and results.

Low Testosterone and Andropause Testing
Around the age of 35 men begin to experience a steady drop in testosterone levels. The problem is, most men don’t even know what their levels are and most health care providers don’t regularly test. Others may test but may not always understand or interpret the results fully.
Low testosterone levels can lead to weight gain, low sex drive, poor sexual performance, depressed mood and so much more. If you’ve experienced any of these, we don’t have to guess. Let’s test!
Testosterone Hormone Therapy
Restoring testosterone to healthy levels can make a world of difference in how you look, feel and function. We use a unique system that delivers this important hormone over an extended time with steady release that mimics your body’s own hormone rhythm. No shots. No creams. No worries. We get you the right dose for you. Now that’s a good feeling.

Sexual Health
Let’s face it. A healthy sex life is a part of good quality of life. If you haven’t felt like yourself lately or losing confidence in your ability to perform sexually, you are not alone. Over 30 million men in the United States have trouble getting or keeping an erection.
The Massachusetts Male Aging Study reported a prevalence of 52%. That’s 1 out of every 2 men! The study demonstrated that ED is increasingly prevalent with age: approximately 40% of men are affected at age 40 and nearly 70% of men are affected at age 70.The good news is that there’s help available. With today’s innovations, we can maximize your results by combining medicine with technology. So, it’s up to you to speak up and show up.

Intimacy Enhancement
What if you are confident and competent during intimacy? Intimacy with your partner is about more than just sex. It’s about communication. It’s about connection. It’s about creativity. Learning your partner’s needs and desires at various stages of life is important.
We can help you increase your ability to meet your partners’ needs and enjoy more intimate moments together. Understand her changing body and yours.

Preventive Health
Do you worry about your family’s medical conditions catching up with you? Are you concerned that you may have a genetic tendency toward certain health problems?
Preventive health screenings can help you sort through your family history and special genetic testing can give answers that may very well put your mind at ease.

Fitness Programs
Are you ready to start getting more physically active but don’t know where to start? Start with a REAL fitness assessment. We evaluate your current fitness level and develop a fitness plan to gradually get you to your fitness goals.
During our assessment we also look for areas where you may have had previous injuries or may be injury prone or accident prone. And yes, we determine areas that you would like to focus on so you are moving with direction and purpose.

Life Coaching and Personal Development
Every stage of life brings new opportunities and new challenges. Have you ever felt like it would be great to have someone to help you figure some things out throughout your life path to happiness, success and fulfillment?
A professional life coach may be just the right move for you. Unlike a therapist or counselor, a life coach may provide the insight, support and strategies to help you reach a specific end game. And, no, you’re not crazy and you’re not alone. Millions of people use coaches in all areas of professional and personal pursuits. Think of a life coach as a non biased, trained and experienced source of guidance to help bring clarity to accelerate your progress. Tiger Woods, Andre Agassi and Von Miller. Experts in their sports fields yet still having room for even greater results in their personal worlds after working with a Life Coach.
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